Friday, June 3, 2011

The Vegetannual

The what?? Ok, so it sounds weird but I found this very helpful in my Hippie Revolution. In Barbara Kingsolver's book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, she had this diagram to illustrate when we should be eating what vegetables. (I would really love one for fruit as well, but I'm just going with this one for now) This I believe is a baby step I can follow along with easily until I have an amazing garden growing. I can easily go to the many Farmer's Markets in Washington County and be able to buy what is in season. The Farmer's Markets are great too because alot of them have vendors that don't use pesticides.

Now I was on website yesterday, as always, and I saw her post on making her own pumpkin puree and freezing it. The post was so helpful and inspiring. I love that she uses so many pictures because I am such a visual learner! Anyways, come October we are going to have a Pumpkin Puree Par-tay. And it will be fabulous.

Baby steps are going to be very important on this journey of mine. That and not judging myself too harshly! My first goal when my revolution started was to try and control the foods I put into my kids mouths as best as I could. The easiest thing I could do to start toward change, was cook as much food from scratch as I could. That wasn't hard, and I felt like things were heading in the right direction. To date, I've kept that up and I've found some really great new recipes along the way. As well as a great sense of accomplishment when I make something that I thought was way beyond my skill level! Its like playing Sims! I don't have the extra money right now to buy a whole grass fed cow, or buy my own pig. My backyard won't accommodate a chicken coop, and I think my neighbors would complain. Those are goals and they will happen, but for now I am taking pride in the small things that we are doing.

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