Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our Stella Bella Baby Girl

As most of you know, I had a baby almost 3 weeks ago.  However, since we moved we have not got around to getting internet as of yet.  I have been driving around town like a crazy lady trying to find free Wi-fi, but haven't found a good spot yet.  I'm pretty sure I'm known by the local Forest Grove teenagers as the "Crazy Lady in the Red Expedition".  They must think I have OCD because I move from parking spot to parking spot trying to locate the free Wi-fi!  Anyways, Now a little about my precious baby girl that was born!!  

Stella finally was induced 5 days after my due date!  I was beyond ready!  I was sent over to Tuality at 8:30am so that I could begin pitocin.  As soon as I walked into the room, the nurse looked at my bed and proclaimed,"That is not a birthing bed!  It doesn't even look like one, how did this get in here?!?".  I was immediately drawn to the door and debating weather or not I should run.  I got over it when I remembered that I was so over this whole pregnancy thing!  After I got the correct bed brought in, I was hooked up to the IV and started on pitocin.  However, the pump on the IV was broken, so I had to wait for a new IV pump to arrive.  Finally at 10:07 I was hooked up to pitocin and started my induction!  I was fine until about 2:00pm when my contractions got super bad.  Tuality wasn't going to give me an epidural until I was 3 centimeters dilated.  What they don't know is, I go from 3 to 10 

centimeters in 30 minutes, so I was freaked out that I wasn't going to get my epidural!  At 3:00pm she checked me and I was 3 centimeters, so I was allowed to get my epidural!  The epidural was horrible, it was literally pounded into my back!  Shortly after he was finished...around 3:45....I felt my water break.  Then around 4:15 I kept feeling the need to push.  I didn't say anything at first, but I finally decided to tell Aaron and he got the nurse.  She came and checked me and said,"Don't push or move!  Your baby is right there!".  My doctor was rushed in and it went something like this...."little push, little push, little push....and there she is!"  In true Rosie form, my baby came rushing out into the world!  She was so beautiful!  She weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces and was 20 inches long.   

She is the sweetest baby.  Now that she is almost 3 weeks old, I can say she has kept that sweet demeanor.  Stella wakes up to eat 2 times a night and she falls back to sleep right away.

Stella Rose if very loved by her big brother and sister.  She gets a bottle from them everyday.  We call her Stelli Bean and her daddy calls her Milky Minutes....if any of you have seen the AT&T commercial you will know what that means!  I am doing just fine adjusting to 3, I am actually ready for a 4th.  We will see what daddy thinks of that, but I'm giving him a few months to think about it!!!


February Jill said...

I'm glad I finally got to meet her, she is so sweet and pretty!
She must be a good baby if you're already thinking about 4! I say go for it.

Alisa Reese said...

I can't believe I still haven't met miss Stella! I also can't believe how quickly your children come out. It seems entirely unfair. :) Hope to see you soon!

Christa said...

Congratulations, my friend! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to meet little Stella in person.